Oct |28-30|2023 || HALLOWEEN || 10:57pm
Feeling: SO DAMN TIRED but like the good way
Omgg okay this is gonna be a long one but I had so much mf fun at Universal and my whole vacation. Like so much fun

so we worked Friday. Which wasn't fun since work right now is shit. Its so shit. So Friday was just a race to get out of there. After work we went to Jo's(my friend) house where we loaded up her car and headed out. It was me and her and her sister D and her sister's boyfriend M. D is cool. She's very chill but also is alot like me which is kinda funny. Pretty sure its why me and Jo get along. But still super funny. M is chill. He's a really good chef. An alcoholic but at least he's a fun drunk lol
Anyways we drove all the way out there and I almost fell asleep twice. Don't know why I didn't just sleep. We smoked before we went and it made us all sleep lololol by the time we got there we unloaded and were ready for bed. Rather then a hotel. We just camped in Jo's grandma's backyard. Which was fun but Omfg

like I've never been camping before so I didn't know what to expect but I didn't expect to almost freeze to death in the night TT0TT but it was fun. But like man my toes were ice and it's bc I fell out of my second blanket. I would have been fine if I just rearranged.
anyways the first day was lit. Got up mad early and got on the road so we could be there when the park opened. And man. That was the best.
We ate breakfast at Harry Potter land in hogsmeade and FUCK JKR BUT .... but that breakfast fucked. Fucked nice. It was soo good. And in the morning they had warm butterbeer and that was better than coffee. Sweet and warm. SOOOOOO GOOD

yeah not it was just so damn good!!
After we warmed up, we just blasted through the rides. We rode so much. The Simpsons coaster was super fast. Less than a 20 mins wait. BEST RIDE EVER. I can't believe they're going to be taking it out soon. Rode HP and the forbidden journey. SOO GOOD. Like its magic how they got that ride to work bc its half practical, half vr but the whole thing lowkey really works. LIKE REALLY WORKS. Like I really want to watch how they created the coaster. I'm not gonna lie.

We were going to ride Jurassic World but it was waaaaay too cold. It was already freezing to camp at night there was no fucking way I was getting on that thing.
I also didn't go to Nintendo world for very long but that's okay. I did get to look around a little bit and shop which is really what I wanted to do. I got a Bowser and some headbands and keychains and pins and lot lol. I even found a bowser Jr at one of the outside stores so I HAVE PAPA BOWSER AND BOWSER JR!!! 💖💖

We rode the mummy but like... it was so short. Like it felt like the ride couldn't have been twice as long. I dunno it felt incomplete; the wait wasn't bad. Just 45mins. And even that wait didn't feel worth it.
We looked around a lot. And found all these secret ways of going places. My friend bought her wand and I continued my obsessive collection of pins. (I should make a page for that lol)
We also rode the tram. Which i have to admit is criminally underrated bc the tour is actually cool asf. And there's these vr segments that are so random but the jurassic world one was GOOOOD the Fast and Furious one was just super funny. The nope area was also super cool but I still haven't seen the movie lmaoo

oh I almost forgot but we got lunch at Chuckys. It was pretty good. The funnel cake is what slapped my pants off. But eating that with the mac and cheese with pulled pork was good.

oh! We also went on the Transformers 3D ride which overall was okay but personally to me very silly. I dunno the transformer movies are so cringe and corny. The ride wasn't any different lmaoooooo not bad but def not a reride lol
anyways after that we went shopping and left like an hr early to skip the exit traffic. So the whole thing was super chill. Literally the whole day was so relaxed. If we wanted to ride something we just checked the time and rode it. We also did some others that I didn't mention but Simpsons and HPHogwats were by far the best rides. Like HP still makes me a little crazy at how good it is.
We went back then to Jo's grandma's house to chill. M cooks ribs and these FUCKING GOOD AS MF GREEN BEANS. Like literal crack cocaine. LIKE I WANT THE RECIPE SO DAMN BAD IT WAS SO GOOD and after that it was just smoking and chilling by the bonfire. Jo's aunt is pretty cool. She awkwardin the most endearing way and I think is very silly. Her other aunt is a lil.... I dunno I think I've just been black for too long (my whole life) and sometimes you get the look and man I hate the look lol. But outside of that super fun.
her grandma with memory issues tho saying she met me cracks me up. WE'VE NEVER MET BUT FOR YOU MA'AM WE HAVE lmaooo
2nd day was also chill. Woke up at the crack of dawn. Saw the sun come up. Smoked the fattest bowl to the greatest view. It was the most relax I've felt in a while. Kinda wanna live in a place with a balcony again. We bummed around for a while then got fish and chips for brunch before heading very briefly to the beach. Man. I could have used a day and a good book out there. It was brief but nice. Took D and M back to the house before going back to Universal
BUT FIRST we went and saw the FNAF movie which.... no offense but i like it. Its lore divergent kinda of like how the books were when they just came out so i'm kind of used to the lore divergence FNAF does and will probably always do. Anyways it was super good. WATCH FNAF

After that was HHN and it popped off. We got to the Last of Us right away. Took maybe 45 mins for the wait and IT WAS DETAILED. It wasn't too scary, mostly some of the jumps were funny (one of them is literally just a jumpscare of Joel walking in the room lmao) but it was still so good. And I liked the character actors that came out in the beginning.

The next one was the exorcist rising. And I haven't seen the movie but now I might bc the haunt house was actually one of the best. Might be my personal favorite. It was so scary and the end with its relentless jumpscares really got me. Got my heart rate all the mf way up. So goooooood.

Got drinks and food. Food was mit but the DRINKS!?!?!? POPPED THEY PUSSY WITH THAT ONE. I'm not really a drinker but the drinks we got were GOODT. I expected more scar actors but again we left a little early so it might have been crazier later in the night. Not that I didn't have people JUMPING OUT AT ME EVERYWHERE. like I try so hard not to make eye contact and yet they still scare meeeeee TT0TT and last but not least the most surprising house was the Terror Tram. No wait at all. And the ride takes you the backlot where there are 2-3 extra houses!! Like its so cool and also super unexpected. I didn't expect for us to get off and walk. It was crazy. and the US SECTION I DIDNT EXPECT AT MF ALL SO GOOD SO MF GOOD

OKAY THIS JOURNAL IS GETTING SO LONG but we ended up going shopping after that and reriding Simpsons lmao then headed out. We left early again to beat traffic which was super worth it.
and then I spent my last nights camping. Since we got back kind of late we literally piled all out shit on the benches and then double layered due to the cold. Again it was soooooooooo COLD. My precious toesies almost fell off. Since M had work the next day. We packed up the car pretty quick. Folded down our tents (oh yeah I know how to pitch a tent now lmao), got out breakfast chorizo burrito and hit the road. And I hit the sleep button. I was knocked THE FUCK OUT FR
but this was probably the funnest birthday I've ever had. By far. I don't think I've ever done something like this for my birthday specifically. I'm just... so happy. :)
but now its November And it's time to get into the fast part of the year. Everything all at once happening. But my busy month is over so back to working on all my personal projects and finally working on this website again.

Oct |24|2023 || Tuesday || ??:??pm
Feeling: upset. Bawlin and sobbin
damn two times in one week? Wild crazy and wild.
I get my work friend wants to be my actual friend but like I could never. His work ethic is horrible, and his empathy toward others is fucked. We are all scrambling right now because of him and its like he doesn't even fuckin care. Like how do you forget something THE DAY AFTER it was explained to you. Its like there's nothing goin on. EveryFUCKINGtime I look over at his desk its like he's doing fucking nothing or he's taking 5 years to do one thing.... its so wild. And bc he takes 12 thousand years I have to pick up the slack and that puts me behind ON MY WORK and it sucks. I have the same job as jim and yet I get it done twice as fast. WHERE IS THE HOLD UP. WHY CAN'T YOU JUST FINISH YOUR WORK.
I shouldn't have gotten written up. My friend shouldn't have gotten written up. Honestly this whole thing is one person's fault. And yeah hes getting written up but honestly he should just be fired. I'm so tired of it. Just let him go. He barely does anything as it is. The fact that all he had to do was his roller only to learn its mostly TRASH. Its like what do you even do all day. I'm just sick and tired. very very tired.
Just 3 more days until Universal. I can make it.

Oct |23|2023 || Monday || 9:40pm
Feeling: upset. Bawlin and sobbin
I'm not mad bc I too am putting things off. I put my moving off until the last second but I ALSO DIDN'T HAVE A KID AND 2 DOGS AND LIKE 8 FISH AND 5 BIRDS AND A DEADBEAT LIKE WHY IS ALL OF HIS STUFF HERE
I have no peace. This house is loud now and I absolutely hate it. Just when my mom asked if i wanted to go on the lease.
not anymore lol
I need to move. I need to get outta here. But I have so many debts I have to pay off. I'm going to lose it. I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hate this I hI

Oct |7|2023 || Saturday || 9:04pm
Feeling: High as hell. Might do some work on the website in a sec lol
AAAAAAHHH I almost forgot my entry. Literally I've just been playing Splatoon all day TT0TT I can't wait for the championships to be over so we can have the Splatooween announcement. Like I'm begging them not to fuck this up. Like it's so easy to get right. I'm just begging them to get even options. I don't even care in the end of popularity but I want to be more than just a "idol-off" or "lol funny color". Like PLS. IT'S SO EASY!!>
anyways :0c
I should also work on my little cannibal cookbook. Like I don't know why I find it so silly. I don't know any actual recipes tho so I should probably put a spot on the bottom for credit :/c but I also don't want to offend someone if they don't want to be associated with cannibalism lol hm

Oct |1|2023 || Sunday || 3:08pm
AAAAAAAAAAAHHH IM SO EXCITED!! IT'S THE FIRST OF OCTOBER! You know how there are people who are crazy about Christmas. Like obnoxiously? YEAH THAT'S ME BBY BUT WITH SPOOKY BATS AND MURDER!!
I have so much to look forward to!! And even if things aren't perfect I'm just happy it's October and Fall!! Just love it :3c I did all my spooky halloween shopping I just need to go buy some candy for my bowl. ;3